Mary Myatt

Moving On Education 2017 will be taking place in the Southwest on Saturday 24th June. As we prepare for this event, with an amazing line up of educators, we have asked our keynote speakers and workshop hosts a series of questions. Here, I caught up with the wonderful Mary Myatt who will be one of four superb keynotes on the day! You can follow Mary on Twitter @MaryMyatt or visit her website

Q1. What will be the aim and focus of your keynote presentation at Moving On Education?

‘High Challenge, Low Threat: why we like doing things that are difficult’. 

Q2. What is your current job and where are you based?

I’m an adviser, and I talk with pupils, teachers and leaders about learning, leadership and the curriculum. I am based in North Wales.

Q3. Who are you looking forward to seeing at Moving On Education 2017?

I’m looking forward to seeing old friends and new from Twitter. And I’m looking forward to meeting you Kate!

Q4. How do you think education has moved on in recent years?

I think that the questioning of our practice through events like Moving on Education, LearningFirst and ResearchEd have provided a platform for some robust discussions about the principles of our work. That simply wasn’t there, even five years ago and I think it’s really healthy.

Q5. How do you think education can move on even further?

I think the profession needs to continue to ask difficult questions – why are we doing this, how can we simplify and is it really making a difference to learning? If not, are we prepared to get shot of it?

Q6. Finally, as Moving On Education is the premier teaching, learning and leadership conference in the Southwest, what is your favourite thing about the area?

The river Exe.
Thank you very much Mary. To book your tickets for Moving on Education 2017 click here